By: Melvin J Walls Jr.
Images: Getty Images/Shutterstock

The Beginning

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and revisit Common’s “first love,” the extraordinary Erykah Badu. Although their romantic journey didn’t unfold as expected, Common cherishes the memories they shared and acknowledges that their parting was a result of external circumstances rather than any faults on Badu’s part. Their paths crossed again years later, culminating in a mesmerizing joint performance at the prestigious BLACK GIRLS ROCK! Awards, which served as a testament to their enduring friendship.Another fascinating chapter in Common’s love life was his relationship with the talented actress Taraji P. Henson back in 2005.

Common and Henson

Henson, known for her remarkable contributions to the silver screen and television referred to their bond as her “last real long-term relationship.” Together, they managed to keep their affection shielded from prying eyes, successfully evading the spotlight’s glare. Even after their romantic ties faded, Henson demonstrated unwavering support for Common by sharing his music on social media, a vivid display of their continued friendship and profound respect.  Now, let’s shift our attention to the gifted singer and actress, Jennifer Hudson, who finds herself entangled in a complex web of dating rumors with Common. These whispers emerged during their collaboration on the 2022 film “Breathe.” Despite being spotted together on multiple occasions, Hudson promptly dismissed the speculations, emphasizing the strictly professional nature of their connection and tribute, shedding light on their enduring connection.

Life In The Spotlight

Maintaining privacy is no easy feat, especially for the stars who reign over the entertainment industry. Today, we set our sights on the multi- talented rapper and actor, Common, whose romantic escapades have consistently captivated the imaginations of fans and media alike. Common’s love life is a captivating tapestry woven with the threads of famous personalities. From the enigmatic musician Erykah Badu to the illustrious tennis star Serena Williams, and the acclaimed actresses Taraji P. Henson and Tiffany Haddish, his romantic conquests have always been a source of intrigue. But when you live in the relentless glare of the public eye, protecting your personal privacy becomes an uphill battle.

In previous developments, Common and Tiffany Haddish have decided to part ways, citing their demanding schedules as the main culprit that hindered the growth of their relationship. Despite the deep admiration and mutual respect they held for each other, the constraints of their work commitments posed insurmountable obstacles. During this period, rumors began to swirl about Common’s encounters with his co-star in the film “Breathe,” the talented Jennifer Hudson.

Good and Franklin

Meanwhile, let’s redirect our focus to Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin, a once-married couple who recently announced their divorce. Fate brought them together while working on the film “Jumping the Broom” in 2011. Their decision to part ways arose after careful reflection and heartfelt prayers. As they embark on separate journeys, they express gratitude for the transformative years they shared and believe that this separation marks the next chapter in the evolution of their love.


Curiously, amidst this whirlwind of change, Meagan Good seems to have found solace in a blossoming relationship with Jonathan Majors. However, it’s crucial to note that this development unfolds against the backdrop of Jonathan facing multiple assault and harassment charges stemming from an alleged incident earlier this year. Despite the complexity surrounding this situation, Good and Majors have been seen attending movie screenings together, hinting at the potential of a budding romance. For celebrities like Common, Jennifer Hudson, Meagan Good, and others.

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